A Sister’s Story

Each Servant of the Holy Heart of Mary’s life is a response to a call from God. Meet our Sisters and learn more about their lives of faith, of self-giving and of family love.

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Sisters’ Reflections

An important part of the Christian experience is witnessing in faith. Discover reflections offered by our Sisters with the hope that you will be enriched in your life as a disciple of Jesus.

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Join Our Family

Are you searching for something more in life? Consider joining the Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary as an Affiliate, Prayer Partner, Consecrated Lay Person, Servant Companion or Sister.

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How You Can Help

We Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary have committed our lives to promoting dignity and fullness of life for everyone. We ask you to partner with us in alleviating the burdens of those who seek our help. Your generous donation is a vital component to our ministry to the poor and will enable us to respond to those who are in greatest need.

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"More is gained in one hour from God’s good things than in a whole lifetime from your own."

~St. John of the Cross

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