Each Vowed Member is woman who is willing to say “yes” to the call of God in her heart.

Serving others through a life of prayer, community and service.
Our Invitation to You:
Are you seeking to serve Christ in a deeper way? You are welcome to join us. Discover how the Lord is inviting you to live a life of holiness and service in one of our communities.
For more information please contact:
Kathy Brady-Murfin
Vocation Director
The Vocation Director and Inquirer get to know each other, initially through phone contact. Later, the Inquirer is encouraged to spend time with the Community, coming for dinner and spending a weekend, for instance. Together, the inquirer and vocation director will explore the inquirer’s ability to enter into vowed membership,
The inquirer now moves into a more focused period of discernment. There are two separate discernments that must be made.First, is this truly where God is calling this woman. Will she find lasting happiness and fulfillment in religious life?
Secondly, will this woman find a home with the Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary? Does she share the charisms of the congregation? Would she find a better fit in a different congregation?
The Community must also discern whether this woman shares the charism of the congregation and if her presence will be life-giving for all involved.
If the inquirer wishes to explore membership in this Community, she begins the application process. The applicant is asked to complete health, financial, and personal forms, as well as background and credit checks. The Province Leader, with the input of the Vocation and Formation Directors, makes the final decision on admittance into formation.
The candidacy stage lasts for a period of not less than six months nor longer than two years. Working with the Formation Director, the candidate will establish a daily routine of prayer and Eucharist, become more familiar with the history and spirituality of the congregation, and take an active part in the life of the Community.
During this two year period of formation, the novice studies the documents of the congregation, and in particular the Fundamental Code. It is a time of deepening her understanding of what it means to be a Servant of the Holy Heart of Mary, of deepening her love of Christ and of Mary. It is an initiation into religious life.
As a Sister, first temporary and then permanent vows are made. Hopefully, at this point the woman understands that formation, deepening faith and love of Christ, and growth in Community spirit are an ongoing part of life.