Each Servant Companion wears this identifying insignia as a sign of her commitment.

Experience a life of prayer and service within our community.
Our Invitation to You:
Are you seeking to serve Christ in a deeper way? Women are invited to join with us as Servant Companions.
For more information please contact:
Sister Myra Lambert, sscm

Rama Canney
Rama was born in Kansas City, Missouri. Her brother was eight years old at the time of her birth and a sister joined the family when Rama was six.
Rama attended Catholic school and was taught by the Sisters of Mercy. She enjoyed school and did well, both scholastically and socially. In high school, she served on Student Council, was a cheerleader, and belonged to the drama, glee, and pep clubs.
Rama describes her father as “a great man.” He believed in God but was not a church-goer. He did, however, help with things around the school and rectory. The rest of the family were all active in the parish until some incident caused her mother to pull Rama’s little sister from the Catholic school and enroll her in the neighborhood school. Although her mother and siblings began attending a Baptist church, Rama never left the Catholic Church.
Rama came of age in the not-so-holy 1960s and 70’s and was living a life she knew God would not have smiled on. The first decade of her adulthood was turbulent. She married and divorced, drank too much, and was not doing much church-going. She was able to do an excellent job at work, though, and had a successful thirty-year career. Like most, if not all, of us, Rama regrets some of the life choices that she made, but she knows she is forgiven for the foolishness of her youth.
Rama continues her story saying, “I said goodbye to the 1970s. Year by year, step by step, through God’s grace, I became surrounded by many excellent, good examples: co-workers, family, priests, religious sisters, teachers. A slow, gentle, loving transformation was happening. I fell in love with each Person of the Trinity, the Mass, Eucharist, Grace, the Church, works of love. I became more authentic, a better mom, worker, leader, minister, child of God. This transformation took place over a few decades and is still at work. I started a ministry for the poor and homeless and participated in many church ministries.”
Rama was blessed to have her mother live with her for her last six years of life. Her disability forced Rama to slow her pace. This time of being with her mother was part of the transformation. She showered Rama with love and the slowing down allowed Rama more time for silence, pondering, and talking with God.
After her mom passed and her children were on their own, Rama retired from the business world, moved to Illinois, and began working at St. Petr Church in Geneva. Rama was on staff as the Parish Publicist and Sister Karen Bricher was there as a Pastoral Associate. During lunch table conversations, they got to know one another. Karen was in formation to become a Servant of the Holy Heart of Mary and asked Rama if she would like to meet the Sisters and join them for dinner and a play. Rama’s “yes” was her first step on her own journey into belonging.
So many wonderful things happen in our lives, and in hindsight we can see God’s hand in the happy coincidences. A friend and fellow parishioner mentioned that she was seeing Sr. Myra Lambert for spiritual direction. Rama, who had long been seeking ways to deepen her relationship with God, decided to reach out to Sr. Myra and ask to be taken on as a directee.
One day a year into their relationship, Sr. Myra told Rama that the Congregation had created a new program for women. They would live with Sisters and share their life, but rather than becoming vowed members, they would make yearly promises. “Isn’t God fun and funny and generous?” laughs Rama. She had been longing for such an opportunity. She had shared that dream with Karen one day over lunch and now the dream was coming true.
Next came a period of weekly dinners so that the Sisters and Rama could get to know one another, meetings with the Formation Director to learn more about the history and life of the Congregation, and completion of an in-depth application. Then, finally, in a ceremony that included her children, friends, and pastor, Rama promised to live the values of charity, chastity, and poverty as a Servant Companion.
Currently Rama cares for a person with many health and cognitive issues, and ministers to people in her parish family as needed.
Rama, who has been a Servant Companion for ten years now, writes:
“I continue to grow in love, faith, and hope. I live with smart Sisters, who are full of love, joy, spirit, and fun. I continue my ministering to the poor and poor in spirit. My spiritual journey continues to deepen. I am blessed to be a part of the Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary.”
On March 25, we celebrated the feast of the Annunciation
Our Servant Companion, Rama Canney, renewed her promise of commitment for three years.
Pictured below is Rama pronouncing her vows and she and Sister Myra Lambert, Director of Servant Companions.
We joyously celebrate Rama’s journey with the SSCMs.
Dearest Sisters of the Holy Family Province USA,
I wanted to share with you why I love and commit my life to God through the Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary.
There are many reasons I asked to continue with the SCCM congregation. Among these, the most important are below. A big thing … I feel I am truly working on becoming God’s love on earth. A long way to go, but I feel God continues to work on me in this desire. I believe this is why I am here with all of you … for your love, help, example, and encouragement.
The other reasons I conveyed 5 years ago are still the same. They are listed below.
- I continue to grow in love, faith and charity and understand more deeply what “God’s definition of “love” means.
- There is a softening in my heart of some places of hardheartedness.
- The desire to give my life in service to God continues to grow.
- I see in each Sister in my community various attributes that are attractive and inspiring.
- I am learning how to be more present to individuals when appropriate.
- The long-time gentle nudging to live more simply, with moderation, and to want less has progressed and I am making progress.
- The accountability that comes in community to ministry, prayer, daily Eucharist, and a Christ-like way of living is good for me.
- I enjoy the camaraderie, support and encouragement from the Sisters and the women and men we associate with.
- I feel the charism of faith, family-love and self-giving is an ever-present, strong umbrella protecting against the culture of greed, self-centeredness, disregard for people and forgetfulness of God.
- I love and benefit greatly from days of recollection, community prayer, retreats, and province days. I am always learning from the Sisters when I am with them.
- Although life is very busy, we make enough time, for prayer, solitude and silence.
- I love to be around the Sisters of our Province. I see how each Sister wills the good of the other. Love is important to them.
Certainly, there are challenges, but the benefits far, far outweigh them. Frankly, the challenges are most likely good for me. I don’t think my spiritual life, my ministry, or my emotional life for that matter, would be so Spirit-filled if I was not in the SSCM community.
This is why I am so very grateful for this congregation, this province and you beautiful SSCM Sisters.
I am grateful to be able live and love and minister with you. Thank you!
God hold you all so very close.
Rama Canney
Servant Companion